Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Harvest of Grace book review

book cover of 

The Harvest of Grace 

 (Ada's House, book 3)


Cindy Woodsmall
I give it 4 stars. 

This book was a bit unbelievable. I have read numerous Amish books in the past, but this one seemed to paint the Amish in a different picture. The hero (who is Amish) is a recovering drunk, the heroine (also Amish) kissed her sister's husband and ran away, they barely speak any Dutch or German. On the back of the book, it talks about Sylvia and Aaron. But half the book is about a woman named Cara forgiving and reviving a relationship with her once-drunk father. I didn't care much for Cara. I wanted to see more of Sylvia's relationship with Aaron.

There was also a bit of confusion at the beginning. She was introducing so many new characters, and not describing them, so I couldn't tell who was related/friends/married/etc with whom. I also, because of the lack of description, could not picture or imagine the characters very well.

However, I did enjoy the book, overall. It took a bit for me to get into it. The writing style was lovely. After a bit, I grew to enjoy the characters. My only big complaint is that, during the Epilogue, they never told us what happens to Aaron and Sylvia. The Epilogue was about Cara and her Amish fiance. At least, I think he's Amish.  I was a bit unsure, because the author never really explained it. She said he had been shunned, but Cara was joining the community.

Anyway, if you read it, I hope you enjoy it.

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