Thursday, March 22, 2012

Interview with Abigail Rios!

Abigail Rios is a Teen Writer, one I met on Go Teen Writers. She's not published, yet. Her novel sounds very interesting, so I'll just start the interview. :)

1. What is your MS (Manuscript, for those who don't know) about?

It's about a girl, Angie who stays with her dad for a month and the most horrible things happen to her. Her sister ends up being hurt and her brother, poor little boy, was abused the time she was out with her boyfriend. Her dad thinks everything is his fault and as a result, he kills himself. Angie has it rough on her but she has her boyfriend to her throughout the whole thing.
2. What is the current word count of your MS?I so far have 67,199 words

3. What is your word count goal?

MY goal is to be at least past 80,000.

4. When do you hope to be finished with your MS?

This has to be finished at least by next month. Once I finish, I will work on the sequel to this book and I am very excited. Especially because it's my first novel and the story is basically telling itself.

What current draft are you on?

I have many other ideas but I haven't yet started to write it as a novel. So I am currently working on this draft.

5.  If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would that be?

If I could have dinner with anyone, I would have dinner with my dad to make things right and have a father-daughter relationship.

6.  What is a question you've always wanted to be asked in an interview?

I always imagined myself being in an interview and the one thing I always ask myself, how did you come up with the idea.

7.  If you could be anyone, real or fictional, who would you be?

If I could be anyone real or fictional I would be Molly Moon from the Molly Moon Series by Georgia Byng. I just love how she makes Molly Moon and I just think it would be cool to be her.
8. Once your book is published, what will you do to celebrate?

Mhm that's a good one. Once my book is published, firstly I would jump all over my house screaming "Yay I got published!" Then I would call everyone and be like you guys better buy my book! Probably then, my mom would take me out to eat or something. But definitely I would be excited and share the news with everyone. After the celebrating, I would right away this isn't a game anymore and I would take my writing career seriously. This is what I want to do!
And I really hope that you do get published! I'm very sure you will!

Well, I guess that's it. Hopefully soon I should be doing more interviews and reviews on books. I've been accepted to review books for Bethany House Publishers, so you'll be seeing some of that very soon. Thank you all, and God bless!

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