Saturday, February 11, 2012

Interview with author Cidney Swanson!

How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing stories since I was seven. Well, actually, I could only carve out time for poems and essays in my twenties and my Decade of Giving Birth, but I switched back to fiction after that.

When did you know that you wanted to be an author?
I had that figured out by the time I was eight. I read Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, and although I’m sure I didn’t understand tons of it, I understood one thing very clearly: I was like Jo March, and like her, I wanted to be a person who made stuff up and wrote it down for a living.

Who/what was your main inspiration for The Ripple Trilogy?
I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of invisibility. (Harry’s cloak, Bilbo’s ring, and some character in the extended Oz series . . .) One day, I had an image pop into my head. In my mind, I saw a girl looking at a river, and she disappeared without realizing it. Why? And why didn’t she notice she’d vanished? I had to know. Then this dark back story emerged, tying my modern-day invisible girl with old Nazi experiments. At that point, I couldn’t stop writing!

Did you have any trouble with dialogue, plot, etc?
Plot is very challenging for me. Character and dialogue come pretty easily. And I’ve always been able to string sentences together. But plot can throw me for a loop. Also, writing action (i.e., fight) scenes is very, very hard for me. I get lots of praise for my action scenes, but it’s only because I’ve gone over them a bazillion times ‘til they are working nice and tight.

 What was the hardest part of The Ripple Trilogy to write?
Writing from the point of view of my villains was really disturbing and yucky. I had to do a ton of research into Nazi Germany and the eugenics movement in the USA, and that was just really depressing and awful.

 Can you tell us a little about Rippler?
Rippler begins a trilogy about a girl who can turn invisible, the boy she’s falling for, and the neo-Nazi scientist who is hunting them both. 

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Sure! I love to read, of course! I also like to cook and go for tea with friends. And I seriously love to travel. I have a long list of places I still need to visit, most of which require long plane rides.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Oh, my! Well, I think it would have to be Joanne (JK) Rowling. I mean, how cool would that be? I’d love to tell her thank you for those amazing stories and how they made me want to be a braver and kinder person.

Will we see any more books from you anytime soon?
You mean, like, you want a tease? Well, I’m revising a piece right now that has pointe shoes and hobgoblins and Russian food. I also have a first draft of a sci-fi novel that’s aging. As in, set aside to improve the flavor. Like wine or cheese.

What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?

Okay, ready? Here it is: Cidney, what do you love most about writing?
I love the arranging of words. Sure, I love telling the whole story, but the part that absolutely intoxicates me is the moving and shifting and perfecting of the order in which words appear on the page. Yeah. Weird. Now you know why no one has ever included this in an interview before. (As far as I can recall!)
Thanks so much, everyone, for the chance to stop by and visit today! Come say hi anytime!

Thank you so much Cidney! And I'm so sorry for the delay. Now, here are a few links where you can find more of Cidney!

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